Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Weekend #2 (in pictures)

With the elections going on yesterday, it seemed that the internet was moving a lot slower than normal all weekend and all day yesterday.  Hopefully that means people were excited and researching who they were going to vote for to lead their country. In any case, it meant we were unable to update you all (or y'all for all our southern friends out there) as we would like until today!  Here is our amazing weekend in pictures...

Jumping/falling fown the san dunes with the kids in the background.  These kids followed us around most of the time we were there and so we gave them a soccer ball, which about half of them started a game with.   The kids also came in handy when our car got stuck in the sand, so they pushed it out for us (we'll load that picture in our next installment, it's classic)!

Picnic at the beach, I mean desert...

This is outside of church of Sunday.  We recieved many compliments on our Nigerien attire as well as our beautiful singing, yes we did perform a song in Hausa sometime during the 3 and a half hour church service. And yes we have video...that will also (hopefully) be in our next installment.

Giraffes! (No zoom needed)

This is Kristina, Michelle, and our new friend Jimmy.  He's hiding in the trees/getting himself a snack. Probably both...

We got to ride on the top of the jeep.  Thankfully, Jeremey was good at navigating around the thorn trees.  No blood this year! This is Kristina, Michelle, our new friend Gretchen, and our guide (he's too cool for a name).

Anyone know what we are standing next too?  Prize for the first 5 people to guess right...(answer on post #11).

Even though it's out of order, a sunset just seems an appropriate picture to end on.  It was so beautiful to watch from the top of the dunes as the sun slowly disappeared beyond the sand.


  1. So glad you're seeing the Creator's work outside of Niamey! I'll see those things next time I'm there. I love your blog. You're doing a great job with this, gals! Tell my friends there hello, esp Cadhair, Codhair, Cadair??...and Abraheim, Omar, Chacko, and of course the Beebs!

    Your dresses are beautiful, classy ladies!

  2. I too love your dresses AND the fancy scarf tying! True Nigeriens. I am responding to your blog question regarding WHAT you are all standing next to. It is a termite hill!

  3. That's a termite mound, but living in Niger, I may not be eligible!
