Saturday, February 12, 2011


While perusing the capabilities of this blog site, we discovered there is an insert video button, so we decided to oblige and share a few videos with you, I hope they work:

The beginning of Kristina's camel ride. Current, future, and all other PTs, here is a prime example of the sternocleidomastoid (or SCM for those who prefer), in case you couldn't tell.

This is a video of Michelle (or Meesha as she is known by her African street name) getting schooled in the yard by an 8 year old (or he may be 15, everyone looks younger than they really are). In her defense, playing in a skirt is hard. And yes the trash talk of "schooling" someone is also used half way around the world.  We discovered this when one of the kids was taunting another and then started drawing ABC's and numbers into the sand. Though not demonstrated in this video, the finger is also apparently universal...

We had some difficulty loading the third video so I've included a link to it on facebook. It's of us singing a song in Hausa and English, dressed in our custom African attire. I hope you like it!

Turns out loading videos to the blog is difficult/slow even in the states. Good times, good times.  Hope you enjoy!

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