Saturday, January 8, 2011

One week and counting...


Today begins the one week countdown as we anxiously await our departure on our great adventure to Niger, Africa!  As we sit in Nokomis Beach Coffee Cafe discussing details of the trip, revising our packing lists, and planning our lecture topics for our education of health care providers in Niamey, Niger, we experience a mixture of excitement and anxiety.  We look forward to many amazing and rewarding experiences including educating medical students on human anatomy and musculoskeletal examination; treating children with birth defects and developmental abnormalities; treating wounds due to leprosy, burns, and trauma; experiencing African culture and way of life; using interpreters to communicate in French and Hausa, and hopefully learning some of the language ourselves; going on a real African safari and seeing animals we've only seen in zoos up until this point; and many other adventures that will expand our perspectives and allow us to grow and learn.  We are excited to provide high-quality healthcare to a population in need, to develop our physical therapy skills as we practice and problem solve with diverse patient populations, and gain an appreciation for our own culture and lifestyle as we experience life in an impoverished nation.  Thank you to all our friends and family who are supporting us on our journey.  We can't wait to tell you all about our experiences.

Au revoir!

Betsy, Michelle and Kristina

1 comment:

  1. We are so proud of you and are excited for your adventure! Take care, Love Aunt Karen & Ken
