Sunday, January 23, 2011

Au revoir, Betsy!

So, as you all saw, we bid farewell to Betsy Friday night so she could go back to the US and get the medical care she needed in an American hospital (as opposed to the make-shift clinic/guest house here) and sleep in her own bed without goats bleating at her all day long.  Though we will miss her, we were glad to hear that she made it home safely and is starting to feel better!  Continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers as she heals. 

Here is a picture of our last few minutes together with the whole team: Dr. Carey, Kristina, Michelle, Betsy, Dr. Troy, and Dr. Steve (our personal physicians who fearlessly saved Betsy's life):

 The three students together for the last time in Niger:

We love you, Betsy, and hope you get better soon.  Hope you are enjoying your Jamba Juice, Sprite, and lack of calls to prayer at all hours of the night!

And now for a preview of our weekend adventures in celebration of our ungrounding by the embassy...

Stay tuned; coming to a blog near you!

-Michelle and Kristina

1 comment:

  1. Aww you guys are too cute. I'm glad the pics turned out and I CAN'T WAIT to hear about your weekend! :). Love, Bets
